Face Verification API Documentation

Secure face identification and verification platform that provides facial recognition capabilities through REST endpoints or our JavaScript SDK.

Quick Start

Get up and running with our Face Verification API in minutes:

  1. 1 Sign up for an API key
  2. 2 Review the authentication guide
  3. 3 Explore the API reference
  4. 4 Test your integration using our live demo

Integration Options


Direct API access with your private API key. Full control over the implementation and customization.

JavaScript SDK

Quick integration with our JavaScript functions for camera verification. We handle the UI and API calls for you.

Core Features

Face Verification

Compare faces between reference photos and selfies with high accuracy.

Spoof Detection

Detect and prevent spoofing attempts using printed photos or digital displays.

Camera Integration

Easy-to-use camera.js library with real-time face detection and automatic capture.

Implementation Overview

Our API provides three main endpoints:

POST /api/v2/verify - Compare faces between reference and selfie photos
POST /api/v2/optimize - Detect and optimize face photos

All endpoints are secured with enterprise-grade security and maintain strict data privacy standards.

Camera Integration

Add the camera.js library to your website:

<script src="https://www.verifyfaceid.com/camera.js"></script>

Quick integration with our camera.js library:

// Take a picture using the camera
try {
    const photoData = await VerifyCamera.takePicture();
    if (photoData) {
        // photoData contains the base64-encoded JPEG image
        console.log('Photo captured successfully:', photoData);
    } else {
        console.log('Photo capture cancelled');
} catch (error) {
    console.error('Error capturing photo:', error);

// Camera will automatically:
// - Show fullscreen camera view
// - Detect face in real-time
// - Show visual indicator when face is detected
// - Capture optimized photo when face is properly positioned